Landscaping of the garden, planting or the construction of auxiliary structures require leveling the surface. Any irregularities carry a lot of problems such as:

  • rainwater will accumulate in one place, while deep puddles will appear. They will provoke silting of the soil, create a threat of pouring the foundation of the house;
  • beds with garden crops will receive different amounts of water;
  • if the slope is large enough, and the soil is clay, the water will not linger at all and will immediately begin to flow down the slope.

In addition to these factors, there is one more, the simplest – it is easier and more convenient to perform any work on a smooth level – household, gardening, construction. Even the usual installation of a garden bench requires leveling the territory.

It is important to be prepared before leveling:

  • mark the territory;
  • clear the ground of debris, large stones, uproot stumps and driftwood;
  • choose the method of leveling the plot.

Involvement of professional equipment in UK gardens

professional equipment
Image by Bru-nO from Pixabay

The intervention of technology is justified if the garden has a large area, there are serious height differences (more than 20 cm), old stumps, fittings and other obstacles. Mini-bulldozers (excavators), tractors, cultivators are used for work.

How to level off an uneven garden with your own hands?

The simple tools are available to any user for manual surface treatment:

manual surface treatment
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
  • rake;
  • shovels of different types;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • wooden planks for assembling the simplest harrow;
  • construction level, tools for measuring length, cord.

Before it is necessary to inspect the territory and select the average point in height – it will be a reference point when leveling. Drive a peg into it. Then the plot is divided into “squares” of 1×1 meters. The tops of the pegs should be in the same plane – each square should be checked with the construction level. It will immediately be clear where to remove the excess, and where to add it. Fill up the pits, level the mounds. We leave the plot for 10-14 days so that the land “settles”. Then you can pull out the pegs and loosen the soil with a rake.

Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay